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HS - Art I

Blair Oaks High School - Art I

Art I is a foundational course that includes two- and three-dimensional fine arts (landscape, portrait, figure, still life, abstract and non-objective subject matter), decorative arts, design arts, and architecture. Students engage in the disciplines of Art History, Art Criticism, Aesthetics, and Art Production in which they show proficiency in printmaking, ceramics, drawing, painting, and sculpture. The elements of this course will be taught through demonstrations, critiques, research projects, experimentation and assignments.

As a student teacher of Blair Oaks High School, I instruct as well as work one-on-one with students in learning new artistic skills. I co-teach with my CT, Brandi Rackers (BHS Art Educator), presenting, guiding and assessing students. Together we work with students grades 9-12 teaching the basics of art. The following student works are results of the lessons I taught:

Notan Inspired Designs

Ceramic Face Vase Vessel

One-Point Perspective

Two-Point Perspective

Surrealism Texture Drawing

3D Letter/Logo Paper Mache Project

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